What is weather typically like at the venue this time of year?
During the month of July the weather in Nice is hot and sunny. You can expect to find the average daily temperature in Nice in July to be around 80°F-85°F (20°C to 28°C). Bring sunglasses and pack a light shawl just in case!
What should I wear for the Welcome Party?
We'd love to have our family and friends in cocktail white for the rehearsal party. The Amour beach club has both a deck and a sandy beach, so keep that in mind as you pick your shoes.
What should I wear for the Wedding?
The wedding will be black-tie, men should wear a tux and women should wear gowns. We encourage color!
Whom should I call with questions?
We'll be setting up a WhatsApp for timely communications. Both the WhatsApp and this website are great sources of information. Please reach out to Louise with any urgent questions!